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Vanilla Protein Powder

Written by Ben Carlisle

Last updated on: Sep 17, 2022

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Vanilla is a popular flavor for protein powder as it adds a more desirable taste to the powder, without the added vanilla some consumers feel the powder is earthy and chalky. Including vanilla protein powder in your diet is a great way to get additional protein, amino acids and nutrients into the body.

Protein powders are also able to aid muscle growth, progress workout recovery times and support weight loss. In addition to this, they are easy protein boost to add into your diet, either through adding the powder to your cooking or building a protein shake into your diet.  

There are a variety of vanilla protein powders available, with a variety of protein sources being used, such as whey, diet whey, soy, pea, casein and hemp. This variety of options can make it feel overwhelming when trying to choose the best vanilla protein powder to meet your goals. You should carefully consider your fitness goals and dietary requiremnts. Then find a vanilla protein powder which has a nutritional profile to support this.

Does Vanilla Flavoring Add Any Value?

Apart from giving the protein powder a great taste, you might be surprised to hear the flavor also has added health benefits. Interestingly, the organic compound Vanillin that is found within the vanilla bean has antimutaganic and antioxidant properties (1). Antioxidants protect our cells from developing serious conditions and diseases like cardiovascular complications, inflammatory disease and even some cancers (2).

In addition to this, there is some research to imply vanillin can be neuroprotective. In a lab experiment held on rats, one study had promising evidence which showed giving vanillin as a post-treatment could significantly ameliorate early neurobehavioral deficits, decreased infarct volume and brain edema (3). It is important to note, whilst the overall health benefit of vanillin does look promising, its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties do need further testing as so far tests have only been undertaken on animal subjects (4).

How Vanilla Protein Powder Assists With Muscle Growth

Research has shown the consumption of protein as a supplement alongside a healthy diet is a great way to maximize your lean body mass index, whilst also improving upper and lower body strength (5). Due to protein being the essential nutrient used by our bodies to build and repair muscular damage. It is the process of our bodies rebuilding muscles which increases muscle size and strength. More frequent training and more intense workout programs, combined with the volume of weight you are lifting has a direct correlation to the speed at which your body will gain muscle mass (6).

When selecting your vanilla protein, it is important to look at the volume of protein within each serving and also the levels of branch chain amino acids (BCAA). Studies have found complete protein sources, which also contain high levels of BCAA leucine (7). are the best choice. BCAA’s are key components of muscle protein synthesis as they include the amino acids; Leucine, Isoleucine & Valine (8). A complete protein source is one that not only contains all nine of the essential amino acids, but also the right volume of them.

Vanilla Whey Protein powder

Vanilla flavored whey protein powder is an excellent supplement. It is a complete protein with high levels of all 3 branched chain amino acids (9). In addition there are studies which demonstrate whey protein powder can stimulate muscle protein synthesis to a greater degree than proteins such as casein and soy (10).

Whey protein is made from the milky by product of cheese (11). There are various types of whey used in supplements. This includes whey concentrate, whey isolate and whey hydrolysate. This can further be differentiated between grass fed whey protein and non-grass fed whey protein. In terms of protein quality, whey isolate is the purest protein source available. Research has found whey protein isolate concentrations of 90% or higher (12). Whey protein powder is quickly absorbed by the body making it a great protein choice for those working on their fitness.

Vanilla Flavored Pea Isolate

This plant based protein is used yellow split peas as its protein source. This is what gives the powder its beige tone. Split peas are firstly left to dry out, then they are ground into a powder before finally being added to water- this final step removes the starch and helps increase their digestibility. Pea protein is also free from the 8 main types of allergens (12), with some brands being able to match the BCAA levels shown in whey protein supplements (13, 14).

How Vanilla Protein Powder Helps Post Workout Recovery Time

There is much debate about whether protein powder can induce quicker muscle recovery, with more evidence still needing to be found. However, it is generally believed that protein powder does contain beneficial side effects such as reduced muscle soreness. Additionally, a study showed that lower markers of muscle damage become more evident when supplemental protein is consumed after daily training sessions (15).

One study revealed the vanillin, which is found within protein powder, can promoted increase in intramuscular vascularization for certain muscles; as well as, pro-inflammatory potential for the tibialis anterior (16). So it seems, that as well as all the other beneficial factors protein powder has for post workout recovery the choice to have vanilla flavoring can have an additional boost.

How Vanilla Protein Powder Aids Weight Loss

Research has shown high protein diets increase energy expenditure, whilst also helping to control appetite and improve feelings of satiety (17). Meaning that taking the right protein powder can help increase the speed at which you lose weight.

The popular choice of vanilla flavored whey protein has properties which have a positive effect on the body’s feelings of satiety and fullness (18). Making it a suitable supplement for those on calorie restrictive diets. Similarly, the popular vegan alternative vanilla pea powder’s high level of protein combined with its fiber and resistant starch components, can help to suppress one’s appetite and glycaemia (19). Whilst vanilla whey and pea protein are great choices for weight loss there is a large selection of diet protein powders on the market which are manufactured specifically with weight loss goals in mind. They are called diet protein powders. 

Vanilla Diet Protein Powder

Diet Vanilla Protein powders include a range of added ingredients which manufacturers believe encourage fat burning. This can help improve BMI (body mass index). Diet vanilla protein tends to include all, or a combination of the following ingredients; green tea extract, l-carnitine, taurine and CLA powder.

What are the added ingredients? What value do they bring?


L-Carnitine is a low-molecular-weight compound obtained from the same diet as the essential amino acids’ lysine and methionine (20). Studies have implied L-Carnitine not only aids acid metabolism, but also helps to transports fatty acids into your cell’s mitochondria (21). This result suggests by using a protein powder which contains l-carnitine you are able to improve how quickly improvements to body composition are made and reduce your weight. Another study into the effectiveness of L-carnitine in protein powder found that it was particularly effective in adults who have elevated BMI’s.

Green Tea extract

Concentrated green tea extract is also often included in diet protein powder supplements. It contains high levels of catechins and moderate levels of caffeine. Studies into the effectiveness of green tea extract have found it can increase your bodies expenditure of energy over a 24-hour period (22), with encouraging, but limited, evidence to suggest green tea is able to enhance fat oxidation in women when partnered with a brisk 30-minute walk (23).

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

CLA is the fatty acid that is found in certain meats and dairy produce. Animal studies into the effectiveness of CLA have shown it can help to reduced body fat mass. However, there is currently not enough human lead research to ascertain whether it has the same weight loss effects on humans (24). With this said, one study discovered some obese patients who took a CLA supplement over a 12-week period did have a quicker weight loss journey than those not taking CLA (25).

Acai Berries

Diet protein supplements often include the South American fruit, Acai berries. These berries contain a lot of nutritional and many health benefits, including a high level of antioxidants (26). In addition to this, it is also claimed acai berries can assist with weight loss, however it is important to note there is very little scientific evidence for this.


Taurine is an amino sulfonic acid, which occurs naturally in the body. Whilst it doesn’t aid with the production of protein it is believed to assist in the burning of fat and therefore it is often included in protein powder supplements. One study discovered taurine ingestion was responsible for a 16% increase in fat burning over a 90-minute period (27).

What ingredients do different brands include?

Diet Whey Protein Powder

Diet whey protein contains a protein content of about 70% and is made from a mixture of whey protein concentrate (milk) and whey protein isolate. Normally, the serving of L-Carnitine within diet protein powder is 1.5%. The amount of green tea within diet whey protein tends to be about 1%.

Vanilla Whey Protein Blend

Whey protein blend is typically the cheaper type of vanilla diet protein available.

It is produced using a mix of whey protein concentrate, milk protein and soy protein isolate. As well as including L-Carnitine and Green Tea Extract it also includes CLA and Acai Berry.

90% Diet Protein

This diet protein powder is a mix of whey protein and milk protein concentrate as well as soy protein isolate. As the name indicates it contains 90% protein content. Its powder is a combination of whey protein concentrate, milk protein concentrates and soy protein isolate. It also has Green Tea and Carnitine, but in lower doses as it has additional ingredients which make up the overall percentage. There are acai berries 1.4%, CLA 1.5% and taurine 3%.

Vegan Diet Protein Powder

Consumers who follow a vegan life style will be pleased to know there are alternative options to animal-based diet vanilla protein powders. Typically, these protein blends get their high protein levels by using split peas or soy beans and include the same weight loss promoting ingredients as the types of diet whey protein outlined previously: green tea, acai berry, flaxseed and L-Carnitine.


Vanilla protein powder can meet both weight loss goals and muscle gain ones, but it is important to select the correct form of vanilla protein to match your goals. For example, whey protein powder is high in BCAA to help muscle gain, whereas Vanilla Whey Protein Blend has added ingredients, such as green tea, L-Carnitine and acai berry which some researchers feel increased the rate of weight loss.

There is some research to suggest the extract vanillin which is found within the vanilla bean has potential anti-cancer properties (1) can support the cardiovascular system and aid the body with inflammation (2). However, this research is only reflective of scientific findings within animal studies, not human. Although more research into the effect it has upon the human body is needed, most consumers argue that it adds a great taste to the protein powder. This more desirable flavor makes it easy to add into your diet.


1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28744811/

2. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22228951/

3. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31310955/

4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30782018/

5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26403469/

6. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/

7. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28642676/

8. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/workout-supplements/

9. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28642676/

10. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25757896/

11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4744604/

12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23229594/

13. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25628520/

14. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6358922/

15. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24435468/

16. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28767917/

17. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28415067/

18. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24801369/

19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4744604/

20. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12751049/

21. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18646596/

22. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18345020/

23. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29345213/

24. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11110851/

25. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22261578/

26. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17824205/

27. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20739720/

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